QuantFns Cloud Integration
Our mission is to integrate open-source numerical and quantitative software durably into your business. Our offerings run on private infrastructure and in the public cloud. In both cases, `big-data’ software is a big part of how together we achive this.
This section of our site shows the functionality and subset of APIs and documentation of our offered ready-made software components. Open-source plays a large part of the components and the libraries use are usually indicated on the pages. Our expertise is integrating these together, adapting them to your business as well as some proprietary software components which enable efficient use.
As well as licensing ready-made components, we can produce produce semi- and fully-custom components. Let us know your requirements at info@quantfns.com !
We support:
- Microsoft Azure E.g. Azure Synapse Analytics, direct integration with databases
- Amazon AWS E.g. Kinesis, Lambda and EMR
- Cutomer-maintained Apache Spark, Jupyter or similar installations
An ideal evolution path away from spread-sheet based analytics
Application Domains
Our expertise is in:
Analytics and Risk Management of Financial Derivatives
- Interest Rate Swaps and Options
- Credit Default Swaps
- Bond Analytics
- Equity Options
Most of our components are based on QuantLib or the ISDA CDS Standard library. We are able to supply integrations for all of the algorithms present in those libraries.
Statistical Analysis and Modelling of very large datasets
- Outlier detection
- Model fitting and full inference
Sales Process
Please contact us with your enquiry at: info@quantfns.com. Depending on circumstance are able to supply trial software under NDA, demo the software functionality or otherwise we can discuss your requirements.
Copyright: QuantFns 2023. For general information only. Not to be relied for any purpose. Not advice about investment. No warranty of any kind. No liability for any use of this information accepted. Contact: info@quantfns.com